Mission Matters.  Really?  Why?

Well, for starters we are commanded to preach the gospel in all the world in Mark 16:15.  We are told many times to love our neighbor, and the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 reminds us that our neighbor is not determined by proximity, but rather by  compassion.  God has made it abundantly clear that we are to not simply love those who are in our own church, neighborhood, and city – but to stretch out and love others in distant lands.  From my own personal experience, I can tell you that stepping outside of my comfort zone meant far more to me than simply spending  a week loving on children in a foreign land – it sparked a new fire, that developed into a blaze, all to serve Christ by serving others in all aspects of my life.  Simply stated, my life changed because I became involved in missions.

Getting involved in missions may look different to different people.  Some people may choose to support individual long term missionaries, or short term mission trips, and some are actually called to “go” on mission.  Toward the end of this summer Fellowship Church is leading a mission to Guerrero Negro in Baja Mexico.  Our goal is twofold – first to help our team meet with God in a way we never have before, to leave behind the noise of our daily lives, and secondly to immerse ourselves in a Spirit led mission to spread the Love and the Word of the Gospel.

Will You choose to partner with us in God’s commandment to “Go into all the world”?  Will you be one who goes?  Or, will you be one who sends?  Or will you choose to simply sit in the bleachers and watch the game move on without you?  A successful mission needs both “Go’ers” and “Senders-” Who will you be?
To find out how you can partner with us as a Go’er or a Sender, just email me at [email protected]
I’m excited for you to be on our team!!
-Stacy Cardoza is a Follower of Jesus, a Wife, Mother, and member of Fellowship Church. She is a Real Estate Agent, and she leads Fellowship Church’s Missions’ Department.