Friends of Fellowship Church,

This past year has been a difficult season for our church. However, despite this difficult season, God has been faithful and is seeing us through. And following these hard times, in many ways, we have found ourselves stronger, more mature, healthier, and more compassionate than we have known in seasons past.

As this church’s pastor, I am excited for the season God is leading us to, and for all of the opportunities and blessings it affords.

Right now, the potential for ministry, growth, and impact is limitless.

  • We have a growing Community Outreach Ministry, with big vision for this next season, poised to make significant impact in our region.
  • We have a growing online congregation with the possibility of people opening up their homes to attend church with them around the world.
  • We have leaders from across the country and the world who look to us for leadership and direction, who want to learn from us, grow with us, serve with us, and be mentored by us.
  • We have opportunity to leverage our property for community outreach, and to fund and support future ministries.
  • We have the ability to launch new churches/church campuses in the future.
  • We have the best staff we’ve ever had.

But during and coming out of these difficult times, despite our many opportunities for ministry, we are struggling as a church financially.

We are currently having a difficult time making payroll along with our other monthly financial obligations and operating expenses. We are trying not to go into any debt (besides our mortgage) as we work our way through this financially difficult time, as we are believing for future faithful and generous givers to begin supporting our ministry.

Our current, absolute minimum monthly operating expenses are approximately $15,500 per month, and this is after eliminating one paid staff position, and suspending monthly ministry allowances to kids’ and youth ministry. Despite this minimum operating expense, over the past 3 months, we have only had approximately $12,700 come per month. This leaves us with a current monthly budget deficit of approximately $3,000. We have stayed out of debt so far, during this time, due to a substantial donation that was made which has been able to keep us afloat over the past few months. Yet, even in these hard times, we are finding creative ways to help multiple single parent families out financially, host large community outreaches, and serve 20 woman from our region’s adult entertainment industry.

We are weekly reaching new people, but the majority of those who now call Fellowship Church “home,” have yet to begin tithing. And many people that we are reaching and ministering to have yet to begin supporting our church financially at all.

We are trusting God and praying for His provisions, but His plan is that His Church that He is building be supported through the tithes and offerings of His people.

I feel at this time, it is appropriate to make an “big ask” as the year comes to a close. If you are a friend, supporter, attender, or member of Fellowship Church:

  • Would you consider making a generous, sacrificial year-end tax deductible donation before Christmas or yearend, to help Fellowship Church start 2019 strong?
  • Would you consider supporting the ministries of Fellowship Church on a monthly or weekly basis?
  • If you attend Fellowship Church, and have yet to begin tithing to your home church; would you please begin doing so?
  • If you currently provide monthly support to your church through tithes and/or offerings; would you consider increasing the monthly amount you give?
  • Finally, not only do people look for things to give to at the end of the year, but they also do so during tax season. Maybe you are unable to give a sacrificial year-end gift now above and beyond your tithe. Maybe you are. But another way to consider supporting Fellowship Church this coming year is to give a sacrificial donation or tithe from your coming tax return. Would you consider taking an active step of faith with your coming tax return in order to support the ministries of this church?

You can give at, in service or by mail using a giving envelope, using your bank’s bill pay, or by text to give (text dollar-amount you’d like to give to 84321).

As a local church, we are a part of one house. And those who live in the same house contribute to the needs of the house and the family. As your pastor, I am asking you to contribute to the needs of this house, just as I and my family do, to keep Fellowship Church an active presence in our community, and take us to the exit level of ministry that God has for us.

Thank you for your prayers, support, contributions, and for prayerfully considering this opportunity to help Fellowship Church flourish.