Carrie Johnson shares what God was put on her heart.
Haley Lambert gives the March message to The Female Factor.
Ladina Dougherty gives the February message for The Female Factor.
Haley Lambert explains what the calling of our life is, and how we can fulfill it.
Ladina Dougherty gives a powerful message at November’s Female Factor.
Haley Lambert gives a powerful message at October’s Female Factor.
Haley gives the final Female Factor message of the season on jealousy.
Jessica Bray shares what GOD has placed on her heart over the past few years, and it all comes down
Stacy Cardoza shares on professionalism at our February Female Factor.
Haley addresses how fear is involved in walking with others through their grief and tragedy and shares from her own
This month, we had special guest Carissa Vela speak on a Taboo subject matter to encourage women with similar experiences.