Pastor Anthony Trask explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We’re for Anyone, Not Everyone.
Pastor Anthony Trask explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Ride Waves & Roll with Punches.
Jordan Lambert explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Encourage Innovation.
Pastor Anthony Trask explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Do More By Doing Less.
Adam Cardoza explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Are For This Generation.
Pastor Anthony explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Choose Fun.
Pastor Anthony explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how We Are Water Buffalos The Bible Says Not To
Wilson Joa Yu explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how if we are saved, then we serve.
Pastor Anthony explains another part of Fellowship Church’s DNA and how we are the coast guard, and not the yacht
Pastor Anthony shares about the faith of Noah and asks us if our Fellowship is a Church like a cruise