Christmas Confession- I had never seen It’s A Wonderful Life in its entirety until this past week- Wow! I had been missing out on a masterpiece! I knew that James (Jimmy) Stewart’s portrayal of George Bailey was legendary, but now I understand why.

Now I’m aware that some of you can’t stand this film, and that its theology is terrible, but you can’t deny the film’s message. I think that most would say the film’s primary message is to not take the important things of this life (wife, kids, friends) for granted.

But the principle that actually drives this film is the radical difference one life (with its millions of decisions and actions) can make in this world [SPOILERS of a 73-year old movie ahead]:

– Saving your brother’s life as a little boy from the icy waters can save an entire troop transport in World War II;

– Simple acts of kindness toward a conflicted woman can keep her from ruin;

– Staying in your hometown to care for you family’s business can keep evil forces (Mr. Potter) at bay from destroying its good, etc…

– So, as we approach this Christmas, let us remember that each of us have the “wonderful” ability to make a difference with each act of kindness, each good deed, and with your very presence everywhere you go. So go ahead and make a wonderful difference this season!

And when you hear a bell ring this week as you go about your business, no angels are getting their wings. That’s taking the truths of this Holiday Classic a little too far.

-Pastor Anthony Trask