How is God challenging you right now?

For the last few months God has been pressing on my heart the value of time and commitments.

As a working mom, I feel myself stretched way too thin most weeks and end up feeling completely drained, emotional, and like I have nothing good left to give anyone-specifically my husband and my son, but also my ministry. And if I have nothing left to give them, what is even the point?

So God is challenging me to re-prioritize my commitments.

My husband and I had the chance to get away a couple weekends ago to recharge and talk about our dreams and desires and what God has placed on our hearts for the year. It was so refreshing! How many of us just hold in all of our frustrations and push down our dreams because they’re not “realistic”? 🙋🏻‍♀️

Financially we can’t even begin to “afford” these dreams. Realistically we don’t have the time to pursue them. But faith doesn’t come out of logic, does it?

So I’m digging deep for the faith. I’m pressing in to God for the peace. And I’m constantly asking for prayer for a clear vision and provision for this next season.

God has it all in his hands. He knows what’s coming next, and that’s more calming to me than anything else.

So, how is God challenging you? What do you need to let go of so that you can be obedient to that calling?

-Bridgette Freshour