For the next few weeks I am on sabbatical. I have never taken more than a few days off from any job; I love to work and I love being Pastor of Outreach and Volunteers at Fellowship Church.

But I am tired, and the last few weeks life has been hard for me and my family. I am thankful for this time to rest, to deep clean my house, catch up with friends, and to give my family a lot of attention. Many weekends I have ministry engagements and my family time suffers. I am looking forward to coming to church WITH my husband and kids!

A few of my goals while I am on leave is to really set up a quiet time routine. To make sure each day I spend time with God, centering my day and life around him. I also plan to be very introspective and hope to bring some new things into my marriage and parenting during this time.

Some things I am praying for during this time: Peace & strength, lately my life has had a lot of chaos, I am praying God will flood my life with his peace and his strength to maneuver through. Joy, I want to be joyful in EVERYTHING. I am also spending a lot of time praying over my family. I would love if you could join me in prayer during this time. Comment below some ways I can pray for you!

I am excited for this time and will see you all on Sunday! ☺️

Paula Laymon- Pastor of Outreach and Volunteers.