Today is the day! It is not a coincidence that my day to post fell on the first day after my last workday. The last shall be first 🙌 The first day to attend the entire staff meeting. I love it and much love was shown! Talk about a feeling of newness!

As you continue to walk through this day, take some time and reflect on the goodness of God and how far he has brought you. Often times we get caught up in what we don’t have and forget about what God has already given us.

Lately I’ve been spending time thinking about not worrying on what is to come and focusing on that moment I have right in front of me. That time that I have right now to make a change and be there for someone else that may be going through hard times!

As I stroll down my timeline and listen to live videos each day, I am reminded of the God that delivered me and healed me in my hard times. I don’t know if the person reading this post right now may be going through something or not, but I wanna tell you that God can heal a broken heart. God can set you free! God will restore you! Yes he can and he will if you just trust in him! It’s ok to cry and shed a tear, but when you get done, God will dry them tears away.

Rise up and start living for Christ today! Be blessed and be a blessing to others!

Trina Wright- Director of Guest Relations