Sometimes we forget the importance of rest. Our weeks get crammed with work, evening obligations, family events, friend’s birthdays, kid’s sports and school events, etc. The list goes on and on. But how many of you can actually function as your best selves like this? How many of you love having your calendar so full that you don’t even have time to breathe? I HATE it. I do not function without days off, at least one a week, where I don’t have any obligations except staying at home with my husband and son all day. That’s how I find rest. That’s how I refill my tank and remember to breathe.

God never called us to business. Yes, work is important, it’s important to God too. BUT SO IS REST. God created the world and when “he saw that all he had made was good,” HE RESTED.

How are you finding rest? It isn’t just going to fall into your lap. You have to be intentional and make it happen-schedule it out. Sync your spouses calendar with yours and put it in there! Find your time to rest and refill weekly, so that God gets the best of you and can use your best self.
-Bridgette Freshour