I remember having intense anxiety even as a child. Fear has been as constant as my own shadow, even as an adult. When I start to think I’m ‘cured,’ out jumps the familiar figure of fear. This last year I have struggled with fear to the point of panic; fear of terrible things happening to loved ones, fear of failure, fear disguised as uncertainty. Last week, I woke up out of a dead sleep and my first thought was, “a demogorgon is in my backyard.”

Growing up in church I was taught a lot about not being afraid; it seems like fear shouldn’t be something I struggle with. But, I do. I could tell you multiple verses about not fearing or about trusting God. Those are all good and all true. But what I want to tell you is; if you also struggle with fear push through to peace! Find a verse to memorize and use it as your prayer during those paralyzing moments. I like to picture myself worshipping in whatever scenario fear has presented me. Reach out to people; let them encourage and pray for you. I remember the relief I felt when someone told me I wasn’t crazy for struggling with fear. Pushing through the fear is walking in peace.

This week my prayer is that we will not be paralyzed by fear but will walk boldly, in the confidence of Christ. Below is the anti-fear verse I pray on a regular basis. I would love to hear what you use to push through fear to peace!

–Paula Laymon, Pastor of Outreach

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7