Hey everyone! I just wanna start by saying, I thank God I don’t look like what I’ve been through. Every trial and every storm that you’ve been through, going through or about to go through, is preparing you for the greater that God has for you! Whatever your situation, circumstance or state of mind you might be in right now, just remember, if God is for you, who can be against you!

I’ve been a part of the Fellowship family soon to be three years now. When I say family, that’s exactly what I mean! I love serving and being a part of a ministry that seeks God for all understanding.

God has a plan for me that is greater than I can imagine and I know my “greater” is coming! My journey has been a challenge and daily I still face challenges, but greater is He that is in me than he that is in the challenge! Be a blessing to someone on this day and smile because God loves you 😊😊😊

-Trina Wright, Guest Relations Director